' UN: Iran arming Yemen's Huthi rebels since 2009 - جديد التوظيف

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UN: Iran arming Yemen's Huthi rebels since 2009 - جديد التوظيف

UN: Iran arming Yemen's Huthi rebels since 2009 - جديد التوظيف

The Daily Star
Iran arming Yemen's Huthi rebels since 2009: UN report
United Nations, United States: Iran has been shipping weapons to Yemen's Huthi rebels since at least 2009, according to a confidential UN report, indicating that Tehran's support dates back to the early years of the Shiite militia's insurgency.

The report by a panel of experts was presented to the Security Council's Iran sanctions committee last week as the United Nations seeks to broker an end to the Saudi-led air campaign in Yemen and a return to peace talks.


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